
Use Wall Art to Make a Lasting Impression!

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Image: Custom Wall Art Mural by Kihada Works Design

Home decor concepts are fast-evolving and we know that wall-to-wall wallpaper is out! Nowadays modern minimalism is in, but it doesn’t have to be boring. Try these custom large-scale wall art murals on for size!



Draw your visitors’ eyes to a feature wall and really make an impression, whether your style is artsy, geeky, quirky or sexy! Check out some of our favourite, one-of-a-kind Kreative Wall Art Finds from around the web.

Kreative Find #1 Geek Chic Wall Art – Medium: Paint

keyboard_wallart_kreativefind_kihada Image: Bloghash

Kreative Find #2 Gamer Chic Wall Art – Medium: PushPins

pushpin_mario_wallart_kreativefind_kihada Image:

Kreative Find #3 Modern Film Noir Wall Art – Medium: Black Electrical Tape

woody_allen_wallart_kreativefind_kihada Image:

Kreative Find #4 Vintage Wall Art Collage – Medium: Recycled Maps

collage_Wallart_kreativefind_kihadaImage: Recycled map wall collage,

Kreative Find #5  – Custom Wall Art Murals and Collages from Kihada Works Design

Don’t have the artistic ability to craft your own custom wall art piece? You’re in luck, Kihada Works Design has a line of limited-edition custom wall art composed of art, photography or collage all ready to go! Check out this sneak peek to see how you can spice up your living space and turn heads.

wall_art_2-kreativefinds_kihada wall_art_1-kreative_finds_kihada wall_art_3-kreativefinds_kihadaNEW

Contact us at Kihada Works Design for information on how to order your very own wall art.

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published in / kreative finds / DESIGN