Archive: December 0

Design, Kihada, Lifestyle, Products

by / kihada
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3D Printing: Creativity Takes Shape

By now, you’ve probably heard of this new phenomenon – 3D printing. You may even have already purchased – or even designed – an item created by a 3D printer. Thanks to sites like Shapeways, Sculpteo, and Thingiverse, designing and producing an object using 3D printing technologies is truly as easy as 1-2-3. The question is: how will this explosion of design potential and manufacturing processes impact our creativity and how we create?

Ads of the world


by / kihada
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Havana Heat

Creative advertising is a large part of what we do here at Kihada Kreative.  So we really appreciate every opportunity to admire the work of others who do it too – and do it well.  Ads of the World is one of the places we find some of the real gems, and every year they name the BEST of the best for six categories.  Here, we share with you the winners for film and print, because they especially struck our fancy: