Ads, Design, Film, Kihada

Coca Cola – Brand Globalization

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Coca Cola | Kihada

Coca Cola Culture | Coco Loco Culture

Brand Globalization means the export and import of cultures

Brand Globalization has come to be a principal characteristic feature of the new millennium and it has become an inescapable reality in today’s society. No community and society can remain isolated from the forces of brand globalization. Case in point is this pop art designed by Rene Quijada, Coca Cola’s brand Identity is so strong that no matter what we do to the brand’s name, you still see the brand attached to it.  Did you know that: The Coca Cola logo and the bible are the most recognizable icons in the world.  Coco Loco means: Crazy Coconut

Coca Cola - Kihadaworks
The Power of a brand:
Coca-Cola Pop Culture
A behind the scenes look at the making and the artists behind the World of Coca-Cola’s newest exhibit: Celebrating an Icon.
Steve Penley Coke Art Gallery

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published in / kreative finds / ADS, DESIGN, FILM, KIHADA