Section: Videos

Ads, Arts, Design, Events, Film, Kihada, Lifestyle, Marketing, Videos

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Celebrate the Vancouver Latin American Film Festival

Kihada Kreative is exceptionally proud to once again be supporting the Vancouver Latin American Film Festival for their 13th annual event this year, and this event has to be the best yet! Their spectacular array of Latin American cinema showcasing for the first time in Vancouver inspires a mingling of cultures and encourages exploration into a diverse and colourful part of the world in an artistic and stunningly visual capacity.

Ads of the world


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Havana Heat

Creative advertising is a large part of what we do here at Kihada Kreative.  So we really appreciate every opportunity to admire the work of others who do it too – and do it well.  Ads of the World is one of the places we find some of the real gems, and every year they name the BEST of the best for six categories.  Here, we share with you the winners for film and print, because they especially struck our fancy:


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the Joy (?) of Stats

Mention statistics to any recent graduate and you’re sure to get a cringing response. After a visit from Hans Rosling, however, you can expect a much different outcome. This lively Uppsala professor, medical doctor, public speaker, and statistician has transformed what we used to associate with dry lectures and tedious documents into animated graphics that intrigue and inform – to the delight of global development agents and geography teachers alike. He has even created a software program that allows widespread access to this educational innovation. But with the visualization of statistics, and statistics in general, comes a recurring concern: are we using and interpreting them truthfully?


by / kihada
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The Pitch: Sex Sells

 Totally Sketch Originals, at kihada we always wonder how far does the sexual content ads in TV, Radio and On-line take the main focus and to our surprise it is a huge percentage, case in point this  youtube ad.  Funny S***! {youtube}VeStTjTsCjY{/youtube}


by / kihada
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Do schools kill creativity?

Picasso once said: all children are born artist, the problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. We are educating people out of their creative capacities,  we don’t grown into creativity, we grow out of it, or rather we get educated out of it.   {youtube}iG9CE55wbtY{/youtube} 


by / kihada
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Help fight local warming! – IMPORTANT

It is time again to talk about some inconvenient truth, are you horrified by global warming?Investor Yossi Vardi is godfather to more than 40 startups, mostly in the jumping Israeli high-tech sector. He’s a legendary community-builder, connector and prankster.   {youtube}waO8KKtVgaQ{/youtube}